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    « Former CUSD Administrator Sherine Smith Gets Top Job In Laguna Beach | Main | Capo Valley High Grad Night Hits on Novel Fundraiser: Graduation Seats for Auction »

    June 07, 2010


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    Unbelievable for Evers. What a loser. But Lorena Sweeny is top notch! Go Lorena!

    Jeanne Jelnick has some amazing kids who've gone through our schools, too. I would imagine she's knowledgeable, vocal, and will be a strong committee member. Still, I hope she knows what Evers stands for.

    Non-paid position, huh? How much does Evers stand to profit from the adoption of new textbooks adopted from a new set of standards???

    I have no idea how much Evers stands to profit, but I do know that the state is not in a financial position to impose sweeping standards changes that will require districts to buy all new textbooks series'. No district will be able to afford it for years, and we all know the state won't pick up the tab. The financial mess could actually save us all from Evers' influences.

    This might be just too cynical, but a logical extension of this is that now he appoints his wife to a paying position with the state. Scary considering the ineptitude and nepotism involved and likely-hood of further destruction to public education in CA, but it all makes sense when you look at the crowd from which they come. On the positive side for us, perhaps she'll resign from the Capo Board and we'll be rid of her at the local level.

    So California leads the nation in rigorous academic standards? Who cares? It really doesn't mean much when a large percentage of kids can't meet them. This state is headed straight to the toilet in more ways than I care to list here.

    From my discussions with other educators, Language arts texts probably won't vary much. The common core standards are very similar to ours. The math CCS are more different. They will probably need different texts. Evers is probably rubbing his hands over this opportunity. However, the CCSs must be adopted for CA to qualify for RTTT funding.

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