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    « More Layoff Notices Coming to Capistrano Unified | Main | Capistrano Announces Teachers of the Year »

    February 23, 2011


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    union witch hunt has started, God forbid they, unions, do not control all of the money.....

    What are you talking about uhs? Charter school teachers can and do below to unions.

    Sounds a lot like the private elementary schools I attended for eight years. At least my struggling parents didn't insist that everyone else should pay for the private education of their four kids.

    I have not read the Charter Petition from Oxford Academy, however the required elements for a charter petition should have been included. I have copied page 19 of a Manual for Governance Teams that was published by California School Boards Association. Additional information regarding charter schools and charter applications can be reviewed at CSBA.org.

    The Superintendent and the Board of Trustees should be queried on whether or not the petition meets all state requirements, insluding those listed here.

    Charter Schools | A Manual for Governance Teams 19
    What are the required elements of a charter petition?
    Complete charter petitions have four required parts: a petition/letter, the
    proposed charter itself (including 16 required legal elements), a signature
    page and required additional information. CSBA advises including a fifth
    section containing recommended additional information.
    A petition to establish a charter can be circulated by any person
    and, after meeting signature requirements (see page 26 for signature
    requirements) submitted to the governing board for consideration.
    CSBA recommends that a completed petition should include, at a
    minimum, the following information and materials:
    • The name, address and phone number of the petitioners, together
    with a statement signed by them formally applying to the board
    for approval of the charter school.
    • Identification of lead petitioner or petitioners
    • A thorough description of the education, work experience,
    credentials, degrees and certifications of the individual persons
    circulating the petition and comprising, or proposing to
    comprise, the board of directors, administrators and managers of
    the proposed charter school.
    • The bylaws, articles of incorporation and other management
    documents, as applicable, governing or proposed to govern the
    charter school.
    • A list of consultants whom the charter school has engaged, or
    proposes to engage, for the purpose of developing, operating
    and evaluating the charter school, together with a thorough
    description of the experience of such consultants.
    • A description of the number of students anticipated to attend
    the charter school and the grade levels to be included for these
    students for each year of operation in the charter term.
    • An attorney’s opinion providing a thorough description of the
    potential civil liability, if any, of the charter school and school district.
    • Any and all policies that the charter school intends to implement,
    including but not limited to employee handbooks, student
    handbooks, health and safety policies, student discipline policies,
    conflict of interest policies and admissions policies.
    • A statement setting forth the administrative structure of
    the school, including detailed job descriptions assigning
    executive, budget, disciplinary, school district liaison, parent/
    guardian contact, counseling, special education, maintenance,
    research, personnel, employee evaluative functions and other
    • Documents identifying the facility in which the charter school
    intends to locate, including all necessary permits, licenses, use
    agreements and/or other authorization necessary for use and
    occupation of the site in compliance with law.
    • Any other information as specifically requested by the district
    regarding the charter school petition subsequent to the
    submission of the charter school petition.

    CUEA - the masters of soft tyranny.

    I have a very hard time believing that Ms. Smiggs took a day off work to go to Chino and walk door to door asking residents about the school and their involvement with the school. Did my tax dollars pay for a sick day for her?

    Yes, because she couldn't have done this on the weekend.

    I don't know Ms. Smiggs, but this never mentioned that she did this during school hours. She could have done this after school - it doesn't say that she went to the school, it says she went around the neighborhood where the school is located. She could have also done this on a weekend - again, she just mentioned talking to families, not going to the school when it was in session. The other thing that could have happened is our breaks in Capo are different than those in Chino. She could have gone on a day when we are not in session. Or third, she could have used one of the 2 personal days that teachers are allowed to take off each year. These are days that you are allowed to use at your own discretion, for whatever reason you choose.

    You're right. Those senarios are believable. What is not too believable is a white woman walking around in a neighborhood she ackowledges as primarily spanish speakers knocking on doors, asking people random questions about the school in the neighborhood with no ID or official authority and getting people to answer her. I find that even harder to believe. Really? She took one of her weekend days or personal days to drive an hour to find out a proposed school for the good of all children in capo? hmmm something smells.

    Yes something smells, your cynicism. People actually do things for the good of others. Crazy I know.

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