This is from Capistrano Unified School District ...
Foundations, PTAs Donated Time, Money to Support Students
SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO-Community members, businesses, and local organizations contributed more than $3 million and 490,000 volunteer hours in support of students in the Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD) during the 2010-2011 school year.
The total raised came from a variety of sources, with the various Parent Teacher Association units contributing $2,381,650. The District's reported donations totaled $3,088,179.29.
"I want to thank the entire Capistrano Unified School District community for its generous contributions," Board President Jack R. Brick said. "Only with the support of our entire community can we ensure the continued success of our students."
The most popular items supported by donations include outdoor science camp, primary music programs, computer purchases, art programs, classroom supplies, and field trips. Other gifts helped schools provide librarians, instructional aides and classroom technology to help teachers enhance instruction.
Money wasn't the only resource contributed by District supporters. PTA members alone volunteered 490,685 hours to the schools.
"The support this District receives is a testament to the value this community places on the education of its children and indicates the level of support our schools have. These contributions have ensured a well-rounded education with visual and performing arts, athletics, extracurricular activities, and academic enrichment both during and after the school day," Superintendent Joe Farley said. "The additional resources definitely provide our students with an added advantage as they prepare for competition in a global marketplace."
The largest donor to CUSD schools was the Ladera Ranch Education Foundation, which raised $240,822.68 for schools in the Ladera Ranch community. Those funds supported programs at Chaparral Elementary School, Ladera Ranch Elementary School, Oso Grande Elementary School, Ladera Ranch Middle School, Tesoro High School, and San Juan Hills High School.
Las Palmas Elementary School in San Clemente received $241,873.24 in donations, the most received by any single school. The Leonard Foundation donated the bulk of the funds with a $225,000 grant, the largest single donation, which helped the school provide intervention programs for students who need additional academic assistance as well as enrichment programs such as music and art.