This came across the desk a few days back. Sorry for the delay in posting. It was on a dual letterhead from the two associations that represent Capistrano Unified employees: teaching-certificated and classified. The group of employees referred to who took the pay cut, of course, is management, which is not part of a union.
I typed it in, so any mistakes are likely mine.
I've asked for a copy of Superintendent Mahler's initial letter.
September 21, 2009
Dr. Bobbie Mahler, Interim Superintendent
Capistrano Unified School District
33122 Valle Road
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Dear Bobbie,
Thank you for your acknowledgement of the high caliber of employees here in Capistrano in your letter of September 11, 2009. We are pleased you highlighted the strong student academic achievement of Capistrano’s students and recognized the “smart” work of “talented teachers and support personnel.”
Your message of unity, emphasized in the section entitled “United We Stand” although an admirable one, unfortunately, does not reflect the current reality in CUSD.
To be truly united
To be truly united, we would have a school board that realizes they oversee a balanced budget for this school year – one which will be further enhanced by unexpected increases in student enrollment, as well as reduced costs in health care benefits than originally projected.
To be truly united, we would have a school board that would not insist that employees shoulder the burden for programs such as Class Size Reduction that are not adequately funded by the State of California by asking for a 10% pay cut.
To be truly united, the school board would not act in such a way to bring financial ruin to many employees now, distracting them from their mission and their passion of educating and supporting students.
To be truly united our school board would not have singled out one group of employees, without notice, to give them a pay cut just because they could, creating a bigger divide between management and the employees they supervise.
If you truly want to heal this district and unify it, as we believe you do, then the school board must be convinced to work with its employees, not against them, especially in light of the real problem looming before in 2010/11 school year. The employees are not immune to the fact that budget deficits for the upcoming 2010/11 school year present a problem to which each one of us must be part of the solution. But, we must be confident that the school board manages its funds in a fiscally responsible manner, so that personal sacrifice comes only as a last resort, after all other options for cost-saving have been exhausted.
Restore Pride in CUSD
What is lacking in CUSD is an atmosphere of respect and trust. Only when reasonable people work with one another to restore these qualities will Capistrano be deserving of the phase “United We Stand.”
When that day comes, then we will have restored the good name of Capistrano Unified, we will have restored its reputation in California for high student academic achievement; but most importantly, we have restored pride to Capistrano Unified School District.
Vicki Soderberg
President, CUEA
Ronda Walen
President, CSEA