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    « Supervisor Bates on Bringing Public Salaries in Line | Main | Capistrano Librarian Announces Movie, Hints at Retirement... »

    December 12, 2011


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    Reeve is an absolute disgrace to San Juan Capistrano. What will it take for Saddleback College to dismiss this man?


    This man's bigotry seems to know no bounds! I wonder what he'd have to say if a Saddleback instructor or a SJC council person wrote on Facebook, "Are my wheelchair-bound students less honest or just really bad at cheating," or some other disabled slur?

    I say we start making cripple jokes during public comments at council meetings and see how he likes it.

    Jim Reardon

    Wait. Were they cheating?

    Good at Finding Excuses

    Yes, Jim. Every one of them, and only the Middle Eastern ones.

    Steve Behmerwohld

    To make a statement like that, "Good at Finding Excuses" must be omnipresent (or just a common racist).

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